The ear has many parts and is highly sensitized: outer, ear canal, middle ear, and the inner ear. These all work together to help us hear the world around us and understand where we are in space. The system is extremely complex and our brain prefers input on both sides is equal. When something is off, it's hard to ignore. Dr. Pearce likes to say: "the ear gets insulted easily and can pout for a long time!"
Ear Conditions and Symptoms Treated:
Ear pain/fullness
Itchy ears/ear drainage
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Swimmer's Ear infection
Middle ear infection/fluid
Decreased/muffled hearing
Meniere's Disease
Ear Wax Removal
Mastoid Bowl cleaning
Ear tube placement and management
Hearing loss (Sudden or Gradual)
Vertigo (see "Balance")
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Foreign body stuck in the ear canal
Ear drum perforation from trauma, infection, injury